korg kenal edward??!!
kalau korg lelaki..mungkin korg x kenal...aku pon baru je kenal mereka meraka nih...tp kalau korg perempuan...pasti korg kenal ngan hero Twilight nih..xkan x kenal kowwttt...jgn dok menipu aku laaa....wajib nya korg kenal...
FYI..kalau korg suruh sebut kan 5 org jantan yang paling aku benci kat dunia nih..aku akan list kan..
1) edward
2) jacob
3) edward
4) jacob
5) edward and jacob
korg taw napa aku benci gila bahbi tahap dewa maut kat dorg nih..sbb semua perempuan kat dunia nih dok bercita cita nak berchinta nagn mamat 2 heko nih..ensem sngt ker dorg nih??..hebat sngt ker dorg nih...auuuwwwww...
aku ada gambo skit nak tunjuk kan kat korg....

berhenti laa dari bermimpi tuh..dorg nih GAY korg taww....berhenti dr merebut jantan jantan nih..berhenti dari memuji muji jantan jantan nih..berhenti dari tulis kat facebook korg ' i love edward/ jacob ketat ketat'...behenti dr buat semua tuh...BERHENTI!!!!!...
arghhh...xdek org yang nak merebut aku ker???...
asal mamat nih jugak yang korg menyangap!!!!!!...
aduyyy laaa...!!!!!
arghhh...xdek org yang nak merebut aku ker???...
asal mamat nih jugak yang korg menyangap!!!!!!...
aduyyy laaa...!!!!!
im a girl. but idk who is jacob or edward until i saw my lil sis being crazy about them. seriously. I DONT LIKE THEM and i dont get it y girls really admire them. yucks!
jacob..gay.?? funny.! haha..he's hot.! seriously..no doubt bout it..in Twilight.. I reaLLy3 love him..and he's cute..meoww.! hahaha.!
no biggies..if he's a gay..I stiLL adores him.. in my book..got 3 guys that I love..Crissy,Archie n Eddy.. hearts them.! muahx.! ^_^
neyra: wat?!..
u r 1st girl dont like gay..
lu: aaauuuwwww.....
Dude, please~ they're straight men just like you.
And I love them! They're HOT!
I have no problem with gay men. Honestly, if comparing them to the straight men, their only flaw is their taste amongst themselves rather than the opposite sex. I prefer them as per their attitude compared to straight men. They understand why girls love shopping, why we have our mood swings (monthly or not), our needs, etc. They respect us better than most straight men does. They get what we're saying without us having to explain. that's why, they're better friends than girl itself to us!
What I'm saying here, we have our preferences and reasons to like or hate someone. Like how you drool over the Wondergirls. I found it really odd cuz they're nothing but like a group of skeleton to me! If you drool over Megan Fox, I understand it better. Same as gay man. Discriminating them because of them being different from the most of us is just pathetic. They are human, if being Muslim, lead them to the right path, gently.
(nmpk sngt la akak nih baca semua post saya)
u like gay men??
that good...
good 4 u..
not 2 me...
(eh?..m gay wat?!..akhaz..kidin')
ingt gay type je ke paham perempuan..
laki2 kat lua sana x paham perempuan ker??
aduyyy aiii...
owwhhh nooOO!!!!!!!
Hahaha~ mate, you've got loads to learn about girls, no doubt about that. =)
The only good reason (again for me) for girls to marry straight men is because they are eligible. That's all.
And still stand behind my Eddy and Jack, you guys are HOT!!!
watz that??!!!..
pless laaa...
thatz name very very very inoying lorh...
whos edward?
who's jacob??
waaa..x knl x knl..huahua..
nsib bek x knl...don't like gay..eyakz!!
hey..bleyh dok wat gado plak dkat post neyh.. haha.!adoiiyaii..
meyh cheq nk menambah agy..ya.!cheq sOkong ya..hehe.;))
heLLo.!! eyh,up to us la nk pngiL Eddy ka..jack ka..it's not annoying..reaLLy.. bknnya we caLLed them 'baby' or 'hubby' pn kn..chiLL dude..haha.!
wateva it is..sapa nk hate them..keep on hating.. sapa yg nk love them..truszkan la.. baLik3..love @ hate..stiLL.. xda bg any effect pn to us..we are just haters or fans..cut the crap la..soO..wateva u guys nya opinion.. it's urs la..wateva is mine..still will be mine.. ^_^
I pity u guys who discriminates gay men. Seriously~ grow up and open up your mind or else get stuck wherever you are.
Hahahaha!!! You don't know who's Eddy or Jack? Kesiannnnnn~ you guys are aliens in your own planet. Hahahahah~ or u are in a wrong planet? I smell jealousy~ hahahahahaha~ again bro and sis, grow up!
You despise them because they're better than you in every single way. And you guys are so immature, those photos are good enough to fool you. Kesiannnnn~ kesiannnnn~ kesiannnnnn~ being born in the IT world still don't make you peeps any better than us hahahahaa! kesian~
grow up and learn.
dielah: akhaz..bagoz3..benci gay forever!!!..gehgehgeh...
lu: soo nw u talk bout 'pendapat' rite...:)
jack,eddy, or wat ever fucker it is..
nama2 tersebut sngt la menjengkel kan..
(muntah darah sebentar)..hekhekehk...
soo boleh saya terus kan untuk memBENCI mereka??
kak ela: m islamic la sister...gay itu haram!!...ya rite..m alien..alien from planet yang x ade gay..akhaz...jgn mara!!...jeloz?!..wat the fish..to who i wan jeloz..agak2 la sister...jeloz ngan BENCI is dffent meanin' lorh...i nw la that pic tuh superimpost..tp kalau saya nak percaya jugak, mcm mana??..dia nak saman saya??..go on dude...akhaz...
(rusuhan ke apa nih?)
encik siput,
u haven't realize u actually are jealous of them. hahahahaha =) no no no.... this is not a "rusuhan". it's a healthy discussion. But don't discriminate people, and this is a serious saying from me. I know that gay is strictly forbidden but we have to guide them, gently back to the right track. Hating people will only cause them to fight against us. Plus, hatred is so negative, it will eat you up inside (emotionally).
I still love my Eddy and Jack. You guys rock!!!
eyh3..nk jgk membenci ekh.? adoiyaaii..
sila lah..but sokong pa kak ella ckp.. hatred will bring u nowhere..so,tackle the situation in a different way,u will see the results.!
muahx.! ^_^
kek ella: gehgehgeh...kita perlu membenci kalau benda tuh salah..lagi pon..gay is haram in islam lorh..xkn tuh pon saya nak aja lagi kan..hekhekhek...
I still hate Eddy and Jack. You guys GAY!!!
lu: wat ever!!!...akhaz...( 1st time wan tulis word nih..gehgehgeh)
Encik Siput,
Hahahahahahahahahah :D One word for you mate, CHILDISH.
Hehehehehe, see? I told you. You need to grow up. Then we can go backpacking with adults group. hahahahaha ;-)
p/s: Thank you dear sister, Lu. You're the best! And even though you're not 21, you ARE an adult. So, we can get ready for backpacking soon. Next trip, Sydney baby!!! :D
hoh.! encik wan..squeeze moi.!! *pronounce 'moi' as 'mua' okeyh.? *
wateva laaaa.....;pp
ya,jOm.!! aku meme da x saba neyh haaaa... Sydney..here I come baby.!! yeehhaaa.!!
kak ella: xkira childish ke apa ker..cipot nk ikowt gak..xkira xkira xkira ( sambil hentak2 kaki)..
lu: hekhekehk...nak ikowwwttt!!!!!
Encik Siput,
Tak boleh. Awak tu budak2 mana buleh ikot! Kang hilang kt sana sapa susah? Dah dah... pegi main kt tepi dinding tu. Byk dah toys akak belikan.
Heheheheheheehh =)
alaa...google map kan ado...apa susah..akhaz..xkira..nak ikowttt!!!!..makKK!!!!
apa la wan neyh,kak ella x bg ikot tu, jgn ikut la..adoii..
hahaha.!! dh3 kak ella..ignore him, biar dia melalak sorang2...jOm kita go backpacking n go on hols.!! yippee.!!
*ciannya..da sorang tu kna tnggal la..hihi..*
@Encik Siput: Wahhhh kuat merengek rupanya~ Nasib tak bawak pi lagi kalau dak... abihlah~ hehehehe ni mmg sah2 kena tinggai. Muahahahahaha! :D
@Lu: Dah siap packing sista! First Ganu then Spore. Sydney in between. Mcm mana?
@ya : yup3...itu mmg plan awai...aku on ja.. ;)
Sydney mmg tgh3 kn..JB end of the year.. lajak Singapore skali..rite.?? 0_o ganu b4 aku beh LI, cuti ar owh.?? ;p
hello sister...
wat the..
da penat round larr...
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